“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24
God working in our lives can be compared to putting the pieces of a 100,000,000-piece puzzle together. That’s probably not an exaggeration of the number of pieces of all the days, minutes, seconds, events, and people that come into one’s life.
When I (Myrna Brogdon) was five years old, I loved putting puzzles together, the more pieces the better, especially those challenging 1000-piece ones. I would spend weeks and weeks on one puzzle. Intently I’d look at each piece and try to figure out when and where it fits. I learned that some pieces just wouldn’t fit until later after other pieces were placed. No matter how much twisting and jamming I did with the pieces, it just wasn’t its place in the puzzle. Other pieces had to be placed/inserted first. Slowly the picture I saw on the box lid unfolded with the last piece bringing the exhilarating feeling that went along with the puzzle completion.
My life (and yours) is like that puzzle
with each piece (event/person/lesson, etc.) having a specific place in the puzzle. Some pieces may be the dark colors that represent the dark, sorrowful times while others are the bright, sunny yellow pieces of joy and happy days, months, and years. Yet every piece has a special place and part in formulating the final product – to look like the picture on the box top.
In keeping with this train of thought, I looked back at my diary of devotions and God’s messages to me which depicts my walk with Him and I can see clearly now how each piece (lesson) was needed to be that piece in that spot of time of the puzzle before the next piece could be placed. Many people have crossed my path, but one person who God placed in a crucial spot in my puzzle was Betty Thompson, a teacher, who God used to pray me into the Kingdom in 1977.
Also, as I think about my walk as a Christian wife, I can see where many times I’d see a piece of Gayle’s puzzle that I tried to move God’s hand aside and put the piece in a spot, thinking that would “fix” Gayle. But it was as if God slapped my hand saying “Don’t touch my puzzle! He’s mine. It’s my puzzle I’m working on! NOT YOURS!” My eyes got big; that analogy made me realize that God is Gayle’s God, not me. In fact, if I was working on a puzzle, I wouldn’t like it if someone leaned over my shoulder and tried to mess with pieces of my puzzle. Therefore, I know that I’m God’s puzzle and that He’s working in my life. Even when I don’t see it, He’s working, adding piece after piece. God’s working!
So, as I am growing older and older, I see there are fewer pieces left for the Lord to put in my puzzle, Acts 20:24 expresses my heart: “But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.”
Since 1977 when I received Jesus Christ as my Savior, I’ve strived to become more and more like Jesus until that day. So, when the puzzle pieces are all in place, the exhilarating feeling of God’s peace comes with knowing that He has placed all the pieces in their proper place. You will not regret allowing God to heal the broken pieces of your life and put all the pieces in their proper place.