Years ago, while working as a school counselor I was told that one of our clerks had been hospitalized. It just so happened that we would be visiting a friend at that same hospital. It was there while arriving that I was prompted to visit with and pray for Ms. Delgado. Upon arrival there we see a young man sitting by her in tears. She introduced him as her son.
Surely, they both seemed to be going through a most difficult time. She poured out her heart and shared that she had been prepped to receive dialysis. Apparently, that was totally unexpected. Her kidney failure was due to ongoing diabetes. She showed us her neck which had a catheter as they would begin the procedure the next day. Jimmy and I felt so much compassion as we continued to hear her dire situation. We prayed for her and her son. They both received Christ as their Lord and Savior. What a joyous moment! Jimmy and I walked out of that hospital room rejoicing. Like the scripture says He saves us not because of righteousness things we have done but because of His mercy. Oh, what a mighty and loving God we serve.
Three days later Ms. Delgado returned to work. There she was surrounded by others as she explained how miraculously no dialysis was needed. She further showed them where the portal had been stitched up on her neck. Today and every day I thank our faithful God who is not a respecter of persons. What He does for one He will do for another. Oh, what a wonderful God we serve!
"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress. He
sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction." Psalm 107:19-20
"Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead
many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever." Daniel 12:3
Jimmy and Janie Perez
Brownsville, Texas