In 1971, when I was 24 years old, single, and in college, I had just received the glorious experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I was attending “Revival Services” in Garland, Texas. One night during those powerful meetings, the Evangelist was taking up the offering for the expenses and he did something that I had never seen in the denomination that I was affiliated with.
He asked everyone to pray to ask the Lord what He wanted them to give in the offering. Then he said as they received the amount, they were to shout out the amount so that everyone could rejoice in the giving. Since I was new in the Spirit-filled life, I wanted to do what God asked of me, so I prayed. But the answer was NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! He spoke to me and said to give me $25.00. This had to be the enemy trying to rob me of my money because that’s all I had in my bank account until payday a week away. So, I rebuked the devil and prayed again. Again, I received the amount of $25.00. So, without any hesitation, I shouted out $25.00.
Can anyone explain what happens in our hearts when we know we have been obedient to God? The peace that passes understanding engulfed me and joy came like never before. My grandfather was in the hospital in Brownsville, Texas very sick. On my way home from the service, God spoke to me and said, Grandpa just came home. My heart was sad but I rejoiced in receiving the news from my heavenly Father. The next morning Mom calls work to say Grandpa went to be with the Lord. She asked if I could come home for the funeral. But I had NO MONEY. That morning when I returned to my desk from my break there was an envelope covered with names. As I looked at it, I saw the names of my bosses, co-workers, and others. Then in the middle were the words MONEY FOR LYNN TO GO TO HER GRANDPA’S FUNERAL. I found out the Lord spoke to a Spirit-filled girl in our office and told her I had no money to go to the funeral and for her to ask for donations. It was enough money received to fly roundtrip and for extra expenses. Plus, the company paid me my salary for those days at the funeral. I asked the Lord why did He do that for me and this is what He said; “Lynn, yesterday when I told you to give it all, you did. If you will be obedient to MY VOICE and my instructions, I will always speak to others to be obedient to help meet your needs!”
That was 52 years ago when I learned the principle of GIVING; tithes, offerings and sacrificial gifts! And I have stood on that truth for all these years without FAIL! BEING OBEDIENT AND LIVING TO GIVE!