All of us go through hard and overwhelming situations in this life. If we allow them, they wear on us spiritually and then wear us out. Recently, I prayed for a young man in our church who said that he was being slammed from every side (his words). As I prayed and held him as he cried uncontrollably, I saw in my mind's eye a boxer late in a fight who was exhausted, weak, and ready to be knocked out. At that moment, Jesus stepped between him and his foe, put out His hand and pushed back the devil protecting this man, his son.
Having now walked with the Lord for 40 years, I have learned to call in Jesus at the very start of the fight for my protection and sanity rather than as a last resort. He is a very present help in time of trouble and will fight our battles as soon as we give them to Him. I told the man I prayed for this truth, prayed for him daily the last 2 weeks and just yesterday at church he told me everything about his fight has changed. That's the God we serve.
"These things I have spoken unto you, that you might have peace. In this world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Lynn Johnson
Lyford, Texas