My daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, was the first student killed in the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999. She was inspired by Anne Frank to keep a diary and she left 6 of them behind at her death.
Her story would be told to over 35 million people in live settings over the next two decades. It has won 3 television Emmy Awards and been featured in a major motion picture titled, I Am Not Ashamed.
Rachel had prayed a simple prayer in her diary a year and a month before she died. Here is what she wrote: "Dear God, I want you to use me to reach the unreached."
She chose to reach out to the new kids at school, the special needs students, the ones who were bullied, and the ones who were simply overlooked.
After her death, I traveled around the world sharing her story and seeing thousands of young people experience a spiritual awakening at the end of our meetings. In Sydney Australia, I spoke in the Olympic Center to a packed audience and over 1,400 young people came forward and became new believers.
Over the years, I met with very influential people who had been deeply touched by Rachel’s story. Elton John, Chuck Norris, President Bush, President Clinton, President Trump, Reba McEntire, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Vice-President Pence, and many more.
By December of 2002, our team of speakers had already shared her story with over 3 million people. But we were destined to experience a miracle on Christmas Day of that year. My daughter, Dana, had moved Rachel’s dresser away from the wall for the first time since she had died and discovered something that Rachel had written when she was only 13 years old.
Rachel had drawn an outline of her hands and in the center wrote, “These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people’s hearts.”
This was the greatest Christmas present our family could have ever hoped for!
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5
Darrell Scott
Lone Tree, Colorado