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Do You See What Others Don’t See?

Writer's picture: Gayle Gayle

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

I was a Title I reading teacher in Skidmore, Texas in 1977. As I relaxed behind my desk between my reading classes, I remembered vividly the dream I had the night before and chuckled out loud. It so depicted my life. Six months earlier I had gotten radically saved. Thereafter, I read my Bible and prayed four to five hours each day because I was so hungry and thirsty to know Jesus Christ. I was thrilled that now my spiritual life was even being played out in my dreams.

Having forgotten that my teacher assistant was in the room close to me, I was brought back to reality by her questions, “Why are you laughing? Tell me, what’s so funny?”

We had been close friends for four years. Prior to me receiving Christ as my Savior we both lived worldly lifestyles. Now my eyes were open to see her spiritual condition. I saw she was lost, helpless and didn’t know my Jesus; therefore, being moved by His compassion for her, I prayed for an opportunity to share Christ with her—to be that worker sent out in the harvest field. Hearing her questions, I realized this was my open door to share in a relaxed and natural manner.

“I had a dream last night. I was walking down the middle of a highway in a ‘Work Zone’ that had a sign posted which read ‘Men at Work’. Many men with brightly colored vests and hardhats were working on the road removing the potholes. There I was walking unashamedly in front of them wearing a huge sandwich board sign that read ‘God at Work.’ That’s exactly what Jesus is doing with me. He’s removing the potholes in my life.”

I continued sharing and asked her if she wanted to receive Christ as her Savior. Even though she declined that day, I knew one day my prayers would be answered and that the seeds sown that day would later be harvested. And they were. Several years later she went to church and received Jesus Christ as her Savior. And few years later she went home to be with the Lord.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9:36-38

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