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Writer's picture: Gayle Gayle

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

The parable in Luke 8:1-8 (read) is a parable of contrast.  It is saying God is not like that judge who wouldn't give in, who wouldn't answer until the persistence came through.

  "Then Jesus told the disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."  Luke 18:1. That's what Jesus wants to say to us:  Pray and don't give up.  Don't give up, but rather Look up.

I find this story really humorous.  There are two different characters ‑- a powerful judge and a powerless widow.  Amazingly, Jesus often chose a rascal to make a point.

In verse 2 we have the description of the judge.  He says "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men."  This guy didn't seem to care about people.

Along comes this widow in distress.  We don't know what her problem was.  In those days, if you were a woman, especially a widow, you didn't have any rights.   

But this woman was no pushover.  She had a problem and she goes to this difficult judge.  He wouldn't give her what she wanted.  In vs. 4 and 5, we read  "For some time he refused, but finally he said to himself, `Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me I will see that she gets justice.'"

I imagine the disciples find this humorous, seeing this impotent widow intimidating this prestigious judge. She had no weapon but her persistence. She becomes a nuisance by badgering him.  Finally, he meets his match and, exhausted, he gives in.  He says, "Because she keeps bothering me, I'll see that she gets justice so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming."  She keeps asking, and finally, just for peace and quiet, he says I will give in. I have felt like that at times as a father and husband.

But is this really how you've got to treat God -- wear Him down with your prayers, keep praying until finally, God says, "For peace and quiet, just to get you off my back I will answer the prayer"?  NO!

This is a comparison by contrast.  He says "If a heartless judge will help out, how much more can we count on God who loves us to help us out?"  v. 7 "Will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night?  Will He keep putting them off?  I tell you He will see that they get their justice and quickly.”

The story's point is that God is eager to answer your prayers.  You don't have to beg, borrow, badger, pester Him. He's saying, "I'm not like that judge, I'm eager to answer your prayers."

"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will. answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24.

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