Having grown up in a family that every single time the church doors opened--well, we were there. As a small kid you memorized the Apostle's Creed, the Lord's Prayer and by constant repetition you knew every verse of the hymns you sang regularly. However, without a relationship with Jesus as your Savior, the words had no power or meaning. So, all through my youth and teenage years I went through the motions. I had been trained up as a child in the way I should go...but no relationship.
Then, in my early twenties, the Lord became real in my life and all that I had in my memory bank became powerful and real. My brother and I went on a 2-hour trip in my truck and started singing hymns and to our surprise we knew every word, every line, and all 4 verses. And the power in those hymns were now our fight song. 🎶 "This is our story, this is our 🎵 song. Praising our Savior all the day long" was real. "Amazing Grace" was a very sweet sound. With relationship I now cherish the old rugged cross because it means everything. And with this crazy world we live in and our families live in, "Onward Christian Soldiers" becomes our battle cry against every wickedness in high places. 🎵🎵.
God has a plan and prepares us for His service and for us to be useful in His kingdom. I was born like Ruth, for such a time as this and it's time to swing my SWORD 🗡️ that God has put in my heart. Don't get impatient waiting for your spouse, kids, grandkids, etc. to enter this fray. God has a plan for them. Keep praying and know God will move in due season if we just don't faint or quit. It's going to be 🎶”Victory in Jesus Our Savior Forever” if we just don't give up.
“I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and
not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Lynn Johnson
Lyford, Texas