It was a rainy day and I was returning home from an appointment in the next town. I stopped for gas and decided to get lunch at a nearby fast-food restaurant. The only parking available was next to a sheriff's vehicle. As the sheriff walked across the parking lot, the thought cross my mind: buy him lunch.
As I was paying for my lunch he was ordering his burger meal. I waited until the attendant gave him the total, and told her I was paying for his lunch. The officer looked shocked and asked, "Are you sure?"
I quickly replied saying, " I have always wanted to buy lunch for a policeman." He thanked me and wished me an enjoyable lunch.
After I finished my lunch I walked to his table and handed him a GOD STORIES booklet... Because HE LIVES, We can face tomorrow, and wished him a "Happy Easter".
He smiled and said, "Thank you very much."
On this rainy day the officer was given a meal for his body, but more than that, he was given God's Word for his soul.
" It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every
word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4
Maria Ellwood
Santa Maria, Texas