Have you ever taken a tumble due to the law of gravity? Recently, I fell down due to the buildup of ice and single-digit temperatures. Since I was JUST taking out the trash at my sister’s house in northern Indiana, I went outside in nothing but a short-sleeved t-shirt, light knit pants, my shoes, and socks. My sister lives at the end of a long street, which leads to nowhere. Every time I tried to stand up, I lost control and landed on the slippery ice again and again and …
After nearly 10 minutes, I began to cry out as loudly as I could, “Help! I’ve fallen and can’t get up!”
Ten minutes later, my loud cries for help stopped and tears started to flow. Because I was freezing, desperate, and didn't want to turn into a pillar of ice, I started crying out to God for help.
Ever so softly, the Holy Spirit answered me by saying, “Like a toddler, scooch on your bottom into the nearby snow.”
I followed His leading, warmed my hands on my belly, and then made an attempt to get up via the yoga dog pose (an upside-down “V”). Alas, 30 minutes later, I was safe and thawing in the garage.
Do you know the same thing applies when we fall away from God? We can try to get up and fail in our own weak attempts to right whatever put us in that position. We can even cry out to and/or beg others for help with either a loud voice or a soft whimper.
It’s when we cry out in desperation to the Lord, that the Holy Spirit leads us to higher, safer ground. If you have fallen away from God’s presence, may I encourage you to cry out to our Father and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you back into the WARMTH and SAFETY of His presence?
If you have fallen, you CAN get up with God’s help! (Psalms 94:18-19)
When I said, “My foot is slipping your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety
was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Psalms 94:18-19