It was the last day of our Israel tour, February 2018. During our worship service, while at the Garden Tomb, I heard this Voice say, “You have to be humble to be worthy.” That familiar still small Voice that speaks to our heart so loudly.

As I sat there stunned and broken at what the Holy Spirit had spoken to me, I cried “God, I thought I was humble. Jesus is my Savior; I am following Him the best I know how. Show me what You mean; I want to be worthy.”
When I returned home, I dug deeper into God’s Word. I wrote down every scripture I could find on humility. But I knew I needed something more, so again I prayed asking the Lord to reveal to me what humility was according to Him.
This year, 2024, as I began reading through the Bible again, I was led to read ‘The Wiersbe Bible Commentary’ along with my daily reading. On Saturday morning, June 15, I was reading Exodus Chapter 4 where Moses was talking with God about how inadequate he was to lead the children of Israel.
"Then Moses said to the Lord, 'O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You
have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.'" Exodus 4:10
Warren Wiersbe wrote in his commentary on Exodus 4:
“Humility is not thinking poorly of ourselves; it’s simply not thinking of ourselves at all but making God everything. The humble servant thinks only of God’s will and God’s glory, not his or her own inadequacy, success, or failure.”
In that defining moment, when I read Wiersbe’s definition of humility, I saw myself back in 2018, sitting with a group at the Garden Tomb and hearing that still small voice “You have to be humble to be worthy.” God answered my prayer and revealed to me what He meant when He spoke those words to me.
Lord, let me not think poorly of myself, but rather not think of myself at all. You are everything. Let me think only of Your will and Your glory, not my inadequacy, success, or failure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Brenda Garner
Sardis City, Alabama