It all began when Anne and I discussed our future and what we wanted to leave our children as a material inheritance. We have invested our lives in preparing them to continue the spiritual legacy passed down for generations. But to do this, we needed to invest our finances wisely. Anne suggested that we buy land. She said, "You know they are not making any more land, and it will appreciate if we build and maintain it properly." I thought it was a great idea. Being the impetuous one, I immediately called and set up an appointment with our realtor. We shared what we wanted. We knew we wanted at least 50 acres with water and electricity on the property. It needed to be no more than an hour and a half from our home in Ft. Worth. Our friends and realtors, Ruth and Rick Story of Story Reality, helped us find a place. Our family is already enjoying building, adding to, and maintaining it.
We strongly believe that a spiritual legacy is vitally important for our children and our children's children to continue to acknowledge and walk in the ways of our Lord. Maybe you feel you have little or nothing to leave your family as a financial inheritance. That may be so, but if you leave them a spiritual legacy they will learn to trust in the Lord for the provision they need to be blessed and to bless others.
We hope you will visit this site from time to time enjoy and will follow us on our journey of leaving a Corzine legacy. Visit our Legacy Ranch site https://rcorzine.wixsite.com/website/ranch-story