Years ago our extended family took a vacation to SeaWorld. Each adult family member was responsible for keeping up with a child. The tall blond male to remain nameless (Me) was supposed to watch my youngest son who was about 5.
When we got to our seats at the venue, our son, Cody, was missing. Later we found out he had got separated and began following another tall blond adult who looked the same and was dressed very similarly. When the man he had followed across the large arena at the Shamu show sat down, only then did he realize he was lost. So he went to the top of the aisle and began to look for us in the mass of humanity. We as a group also frantically began to look for Cody when we realized he was not with us.
Satan is always trying to deceive us with what looks like, sounds like, etc. but isn’t Christ to get us off point in our relationship with Him. And when we lose our way, Jesus leaves the 99 to find us and bring us back home. It took a family that day to find our son. As a church family, always be on the lookout for the one in your church who has strayed.
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one
of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the
hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?” Matthew 18:12
Lynn Johnson
Lyford, Texas