Getting into the presence of God should be a highlight of every Christian’s life. I just love it when God shows up BIG and I’m there to enjoy every moment to encourage me, to hear the answer to a question I have for the Lord, to be obedient to do what God has asked me to do and then see the miracle for others. That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to being in the presence of God.
I have a bedroom in our home in Mexico where I love to spend time with the Lord. Many times, I put on praise and worship and love that time to sing and worship God, but I always follow up with spending time praying. One morning the Lord woke me up at about 4am and I knew that He wanted me to pray. I didn’t have any idea at that moment when He woke me up, what I was to pray about but I knew that I needed to get up and pray. It was cold in our home, so I bundled up with a cover and this time instead of walking and praying as I love to do, I settled myself in a rocking chair to pray.

So first I started spending time just loving on the Lord with WORDS of thanks, gratitude and worship unto HIM! I felt such a presence of the Holy Spirit in the room that I closed my eyes and just kept rocking and loving on the Lord with words from my heart. Then the Lord started showing me who and what to pray about. It was so special as He led me to pray and intercede for family, friends and church members. All this time I had my eyes closed and was still rocking. But God’s presence was so strong that I just felt it was ONLY HIM AND ME! IT WAS GLORIOUS!
About an hour or so later as I knew that my prayer time was coming to an end, I opened my eyes and was so shocked as I had rocked myself all the way across the bedroom (20') and was in a corner on the opposite side of the room. I HAD NEVER FELT MY ROCKING CHAIR WAS MOVING! IT WAS BECAUSE THE PRESENCE OF GOD WAS SO STRONG THAT IT OVER-SHADOWED EVERY EARTHLY FEELING OR SITUATION. JUST HIM AND ME ROCKING TOGETHER IN WORSHIP AND PRAYER!
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore...” Psalm 16:11
Lynn Crow
Missionary to Mexico
CD, Victoria, Tam. Mexico