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Still Useful

Writer's picture: Gayle Gayle

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

I have been told that there are three stages of a good retirement; the go-go years, the slow-go years, and the no-go years. I retired from public education after thirty-one years of service and was looking forward to my go-go years of retirement. At fifty-two, I felt like I still had some gas in my tank and could be of some service to God's kingdom. However, God's plan was not as easy as going from point A to point B.


As I was finishing my paperwork for retirement, my wife, Ludi, and I got involved with some mission agencies in Central America. The primary one that we got involved with was in the beautiful country of Nicaragua. The Americans involved in the ministry were desperate for some additional help as they were only in the country part-time. Details were agreed to and promises were made.  As I officially retired, everything was headed in a positive direction.


Within six months, everything crashed as the details we agreed to unraveled very quickly. Ludi and I had been at a point where we were ready to buy a home in Nicaragua and spend a great deal of our time in the “Land of Lakes and Volcanoes.” We had also come to the point that the national staff had become like family to us. The disruption of it all left me quite disoriented and discouraged. I might expect this from the world, but not my fellow believers in Christ.


Feeling bewildered I went to my all-time favorite scripture. Though I was very hurt, I trusted in the Lord and did not lean on my own understanding. I was disappointed and disillusioned, but God was with me through it all. He has allowed me to do the things I love doing during my go-go years of retirement, travel all over the USA and the world, and eventually led me to get involved with another ministry, Teach Beyond, which has opened doors for me to serve Him in several countries and schools around the world. While what happened in Nicaragua left me discouraged, I kept my trust in Him. And He never disappoints when we give Him our trust.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5 & 6

Tim Snyder

Chittagong, Bangladesh

Olmito, Texas


"Still Useful" by Tim Snyder is in Book 7, Day 23: GOD STORIES And More... Click on the tab titled, GOD STORIES, on this website to read more true stories found in Books 1-7: GOD STORIES And More.


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