“They're so beautiful, all clean and sparkly!” were my thoughts as I admired my wedding rings under the bright bathroom light. I had just taken them from a small jar of jewelry cleaning solution, gently brushed them to a bright luster and patted them dry. Instead of immediately placing them in their usual place, a pretty little jeweled ring box on my dresser, I said aloud "I'm going to place them right here in this little vanity basket for now and I'll put them away later.”
I have a devoted Christian lady who comes every two weeks to help me clean. Together we work to restore order in my little house. After she left, I continued to do some tidying up. In a bit I went to retrieve my rings to put them away. The little basket where I placed them was empty. I gasped and asked "Where are my rings?"
Never once did I suspect my trusted Betty Rangel of any misdeed, but I worried that perhaps she hadn’t noticed them in such an unusual place and had emptied the little basket during her cleaning. Now my search began in earnest as I mentally started recalling my actions. I questioning myself “I did place them right here, didn't I?” Answering myself, I said “yes, I remember distinctly placing them right HERE in this little basket!”
I hurried to my little ring box to check there. Had I so routinely placed them there without remembering? Could they have accidentally fallen down the drain? Had they fallen on the floor and been vacuumed up?
Then began my frantic search. I checked every possible place, where I thought they might be, but to no avail. With each successive failure, I became more and more concerned. In an effort to calm myself, I decided to stop searching and to proceed with some of my regular Monday chores. I opened the bathroom closet, grabbed the laundry basket and I carried it to my laundry/utility room. I loaded a small load of personal items, started the washing machine and then went to my kitchen. The thought that the treasured wedding rings given to me by my late beloved husband might somehow be lost forever was breaking my heart. I was beginning to feel extremely distraught over the apparent loss.
As I stood in my kitchen, I heard myself crying out loud “Oh, God, you know how much I treasure those rings, because they remind me of the beautiful love Bob and I shared, the very happiness that YOU brought into our lives! Father, I know they are only earthly treasures, but they mean so much to me."
Then I remembered past times when I had lost or misplaced something and had asked the Holy Spirit - My Helper, My Constant Companion - to help me find my lost items… and HE had, HE HAD! So, standing in my kitchen, I prayed "Holy Spirit, please help me find my lost rings. I know that YOU know where my rings are. Please reveal them to me."
About that very minute, my washing machine buzzer sounded. Methodically, I opened the washer door to lift out the newly washed load. As I pulled the wet clothes out of the washer, I heard a little clink… clink… clink. I placed the wet clothes into the dryer and I moved back to the washer, wondering what had I heard. I ran my hand around the inside of the tub. “What could possibly be there?” Never once did I ever dream what my eyes would behold! I opened my hand to see what I had retrieved. There in my hand were my gleaming newly washed wedding rings! For a second, I could only stare at them in total shock and wonder as sheer joy flooded over me! I moved to the middle of my kitchen, raised my hands high and thanked My Helper, the Holy Spirit, for finding my cherished earthly treasure and restoring them to me. I thanked Him and praised Him for His awesome love, for hearing my plea, and being so mindful of my heart’s desires!
“Delight yourself in the Lord and HE will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
Betty Thompson
Plainview, Texas