Isaiah 6:8 was my confession to God a few years after I surrendered my life to Christ. Many times, Jimmy and I are called to pray for the sick. One day we were asked to pray for a dying man who was on life support. His organs had completely shut down and his body looked like he had been inflated. According to the family his doctors said there was nothing they could do for him.
The family requested that we pray before he was disconnected. Jimmy and I prayed and at the end of our prayer I sensed such a compassion which drew me to tears. His family said the ventilator would be removed the following day.
To the doctor's and everyone's amazement a whole week went by but the man continued to live. Instead of dying his organs began to come alive. He was sent to a rehab where he recovered fully. Needless to say, doctors and nurses were in total disbelief. To this day this man still lives. What a mighty God we serve! Psalm 118:17 says, “I shall not die but live to proclaim the works of the Lord.”
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying ‘whom shall I send and who will go for us?'
And I said "here am I; Send me." Isaiah 6:8
Jimmy & Janie Perez
Brownsville, Texas