Mary was visited by an angel and told she had found favor with God; she would give birth to the Savior. Elizabeth declared that Mary was blessed because she had believed the word the angel had spoken would be fulfilled (and it was). Shepherds visited her the night of Jesus’s birth, telling what the angel had declared about Him. Later, in the temple, Simeon and Anna both spoke words of blessings about Jesus. All these things Mary treasured in her heart.
I get nostalgic at Christmas, so I can identify with Mary. I think about the things only Jesus could have done in our lives. How God brought people into our lives that resulted in our receiving Christ. How Debbie and I met and later married. The prophetic word that we would someday be missionaries in China, and the fulfillment of that word. A word from a 17-year-old boy in Guatemala that I would have to get serious about language learning. Then becoming a teacher of English as a Second Language became the vehicle for ministry in China and my livelihood to the present. I remember the doors God opened for us to share the love of Jesus in parks, in hospitals, in other countries, on vacations, and at work. While there, we watched our sons grow into such wonderful men, experienced God’s provision and delivering power in difficult times. I reflect on these things, and, like Mary, I worship Him.
This Christmas, take time to reflect on the things God has done in your life and write them in the space below. If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, you can start by asking Him to forgive you and come into your heart. This is why Jesus came so many years ago, to take away your sins. Then you can start your life with Him. Merry Christmas!
Paul Diehl
Harlingen, Texas