Many years ago, My husband walked into the room and told me that during his prayer time that morning, the Lord told him to give a large sum of money (above our tithe) to our young church. Without thought, I replied that he must have been tuned in to the wrong channel. With my accounting background, I begin to explain why we could not afford to do that. We had three young children, a mortgage, car payments, etc. Today, I'm so thankful that I'm married to a man who always leads our family with faith and confidence. I submitted and he wrote the check. The Lord used this situation to teach me that He alone is our ultimate provider. As only He can do, we received back the exact amount we had given through unexpected circumstances. Where is the Lord stretching you? I discovered it is not always in our finances. He might ask us to give more abundantly in our forgiveness, our patience, and with our time. Again I say, YOU CANNOT OUTGIVE GOD!
Updated: Mar 29, 2024